Types of Fasteners – The Ultimate List

A fastening or fastener is a hardware device. It mechanically joins two objects or more. This device is mainly used to create non-permanent joints. So after joining them, you can also dismantle them easily without damaging the objects.

This device can be made of different materials, but we always recommend individuals to opt for stainless fasteners. Products that are made of stainless steel are known for their durable nature. This is the main reason for which we always recommend individuals to opt for this material.
Choosing the material of the product is only half the job.  In addition to that, you also have to choose the right type of fastener for your need. In this post, we will take you through a list of some of the most popular types of fasteners and their uses.


This is the most common type of fastener that looks like a bolt. However, screws are slightly bigger in size than bolts. Their purpose is to join metal sheets. Removing this fastener is also an easy job.


Similar to screws, this is another popular type of hardware device. The device comes into two pieces. The main part of the device is a threaded fastener. Along with the main part, you will also get a male thread. You can also use washers to use bolts effectively.


This type of fastener is known for their small nature. You might need them for woodworking. They are mainly made of metal and known for their durability. So if you use them to create a wooden structure, then you also will be able to boost the durability of the final product.


This is a headless fastener. Based on the shape of the studs, you can categorise them into 4 types. You can easily find them in mechanical devices.

Tapping Screws

This is an excellent device that helps people with fastening things quickly. It creates a mating thread when performing the job. You can use this product on both metal and woods.

 These are the five different types of fasteners that you will get in the market. So here comes another important question from where you can buy them. Well if you look around the city, then you will find plenty of hardware stores that offer a wide range of products including drill bits, Soudal t rex, cup wheels and more.

Apart from the products mentioned above, they also offer fasteners. You can visit any of them and buy the product you like. If you look carefully, then you will also find companies that offer online shopping solutions. If you pick such a store, then you will be able to shop hardware products in the comfort of your home.
