4 Common Drill Mistakes You Should Never Make

When it comes to look after the home improvement projects or dealing with certain electrical problems, a drill machine is what you need the most. Drill machines are not easy to handle. Well, it is not something like you just grab it and start operating it. You need to practice more and more so that you could use it safely. Unless you follow the safety measures and handle the machine properly, you may get injured or face other problems.

Here are some mistakes people often make when drilling holes. Make sure you avoid these mistakes and operate your drill machine in a proper manner.

1.      Not Making The Pilot Hole
Before you make the final hole, make sure you drill a pilot hole. Now you may raise a question like what is a pilot hole. Well, a small hole which you make before drilling a full-sized hole can be considered a pilot hole. It is important to make a pilot hole as ti helps prevents the drill bits from slipping.

2.      Not Using Safety Gear
When handling home improvement projects or performing other risky tasks, it is better to use caterpillar workwear, safety boots, safety glasses, ear protection and other safety gear so that you could prevent injuries. When drilling a hole, make sure you wear safety goggles, otherwise small particles may get in your eyes. Each and every safety gear is necessary for your safety.

3.      Picking Up the Inappropriate Bits
There are different types of drill bits available, and they are designed to serve different purposes. So, you cannot just grab anyone you want. Before buying the bits, you need to ask yourself why you require it.

If you want to drill concrete wall or stone, it is better to use masonry drill bits. When drilling the brick, if you use a bit meant for wood, you will face some problems. Either the bit gets broken, or it causes damages to the drill motor.

Do not make the mistake of choosing an inappropriate bit. Rather you should select the right one that has the proper size.

4.      Not Operating Properly
Few people do not know that high-quality bits are usually designed to be used in lathes, pillar drills and other machines. When using these machines, applying too much pressure may cause damages to the motor and other components.

In order to make the machine last longer, you need to pay attention to the speed setting. Make sure you do not apply too much pressure when operating it. You should follow all the instructions given by the drill machine manufacturer or supplier.

Drill machines are one of the major tools when it comes to DIY projects. Choosing the right tool is necessary since it enables you to perform your task properly.
